
Courtship time in the valley

11 February 2018

As spring approaches the wildlife in the valley starts to think about reproducing. A couple of female Mute Swans were minding their own business on one of the pools when in flew a male with other ideas. He began his very impressive courtship display as he chased one of them around the pool but she was having none of it and took to the air. Undeterred, he turned his attention to the other one but she took to the air as well leaving him somewhat deflated. Oh well, win some, loose some. It’s early in the season yet.

Footpaths - 1 July

Most paths are now very dry although the warm, wet weather has encouraged lots of growth leading to some paths being a bit overgrown.

Report overgrown rights of way to East Sussex and other paths to the Friends of Combe Valley.

Latest News


December 2023 saw a group of Waxwings visiting the Park to sample the berries. Several hundred visit Britain each winter.

New on this website

August 2023 - a set of new pages describing some of the more common flowering plants has been added to the "Wildlife" section of the site.